Helping neurodiverse business owners & creatives rebel against the productivity machine using introspection, technology, and a bit of humor.

☁︎ find your rhythm

☁︎ find your rhythm

I’m Andrea Reeves, the workflow sorceress behind Type C Creative.

I’m a systems specialist with ADHD. After years of downplaying my love of systems and organization for "more creative" endeavors, I realized helping things (and people) work well together is a form of creative expression and community care.

I help fellow neurodiverse creatives and small business owners find more compassionate ways of working, using introspection and technology to build intuitive, values-driven systems.




Bring the ease of Type C Creative to
your organization with an interactive productivity workshop.


Make more aligned choices about how you do things using methods that work best for your brain and nervous system.

Email cleanup

Like a Spring cleaning service, but for your inbox. Reach inbox zero without having to lift a finger.

Or…start small.
See what all the buzz is about 🐝

  • Simple Ways to Slow Down

  • How your menstrual cycle impacts productivity

  • When Time Blocking Doesn't Work...

  • You are putting words to all my inner fears and feelings! How you say it helps me give myself the ok to let myself off the hook. You are a gift ❤️

    Rebellious Systems subscriber

  • Your work means the world to me and has helped me so much. One of my struggles is information overload, so I’ve been working on purging both my physical and digital clutter; it has never once occurred to me to get off your email list because it is one of the top ones that makes such a positive difference in my life. Thank you for everything you do for so many people.

    Mindful Little Emails subscriber

  • It's been such a relief to find your work! I am also a neuro-spicy squiggle-brain as my friend calls it and an entrepreneur and also a new mama ... systems are simultaneously super fun for me and difficult to maintain. So finding your work inspires me to find more that work for me. Thank you!

    Rebellious Systems subscriber

  • Your emails have been invaluable in providing professional comfort on what's possible, and I always appreciate the tone and the permission you freely give.

    Mindful Little Emails subscriber